Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Project Update: And Then There Were Four

Completing one of the Roubo-style workbench leg tenon cuts really motivated me to get the remaining three behind me. So I did.

First, there were two.

Then, there were three.

And then there were four done.

And no, the red paint will not appear on the final product. The legs all have a spare 1/4" that I will shave off when the bench top is fixed into position.

As I worked, I noticed that I should have taken a little more care about where I chose to place the tenons. Another good lesson learned. For instance, while things looks pretty good from this angle,

they don't look so great from this one.

I probably should not have included the knot in the cut. Regardless, there is enough real estate in the negative space and the little notch that things will work out fine in the end. Besides, I need legs on the back (hidden) side, too, right?

The next step is to either cut the shelf runner mortises into the bottoms of the legs or start on the bench top mortises. I'll be conferring with Rangom Roger Green today to decide on which path to take.

Until next time...

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