When I arrived at her mother's home, it was clear that her father was a talented and industrious woodworker. He had produced from his small basement shop shelves, chairs, bird feeders and, I'm sure, a list of accomplishments that would humble even the most creative woodworker. It was an honor to be chosen to acquire his tools and I will honor him every time I use one.
The list of tools I picked up includes
- 2 - Stanley #4 hand planes, one with a patent year of 1910
- 1 - Stanley 220 hand plane (I already owned the black 220 in the photo below)
- 1 - Small, but very high quality hand plane
- 2 - Antique hand planes
- 1 - Antique scribe tool
- 2 - Metal rasps
- 1 - Small hand saw
- 1 - 1/2" wood chisel
- 1 - Square palm sander
- 1 - Leather apron
- 1 - Antique toolbox
- 15 - Packages of sandpaper of various grains
- 1 - Heavy duty straightedge
- 2 - 90-degree straightedges
- Assorted files of various shapes and sizes
- Assorted scrap woods, including white oak, poplar, maple, cherry, walnut, mahogany, pine, cedar, and spruce
- 1 box of smaller scrap woods of all kinds, including several dowels of different sizes
And they let me get away with all of this for only $60.00. I will always be grateful to my friend and her mother; they will surely be invited as honored guests for the concert debut of Molnar Opus 1.
As if this weren't enough, I then picked up 72 mechanical pencils at Costco. According to my calculations, it will be the summer of 2065 before I need another pencil (they have a tendency to disappear, but it takes a while).
Finally, I noticed a few weeks ago that a set screw was missing from the left guide block of my band saw. After ordering one and patiently waiting several weeks for it to arrive, I installed it last night in a jif. All good now.
Though I haven't made much progress on the instrument itself, it's been a great couple of weeks.
Until next time...
That was above and beyond the call of duty for your friend and her mother to contact you about the tools. The planes in particular are wonderful. My pre-WWII Stanley #4 is possibly my most prized and used hand tool. I would love to have two, so different iron setups could be used with a fast tool swap rather than an iron swap with attendant fussing to get is just so.